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What's Congresswoman Celeste Maloy doing in DC?
Jun 10, 2024 11:58 AM
![]() "Stoves and FUNNN in Guatamala"
Jun 17, 2024 11:49 AM
A total of 47 Rotarians, family members and friends of Rotary traveled to Guatamala for another opportunity to build or fund 125 simple, cinderblock stoves in the Mayan village of Xecoxal, bringing the total number in the 15-year history of this amazing project to 3314. You won't want to miss this chance to hear all about this amazing travel experience for "service above self." Bring a friend, family member, co-worker or "other" who might also be a prospective member of SGR. |
![]() SGR Presidents take a 2.66 mile Polio Plunge
Jun 22, 2024 8:54 AM
It’s been a long time coming with multiple delays along the way, but on Saturday, June 22 at 9 a.m., Dale Desmond, two-time president and Dave Prisbrey, incoming president of St. George Rotary, will finally get to take their 14,000 foot “Polio Plunge” over Hurricane City. Also taking the 2.66 mile drop is Ken Sizemore of Santa Clara, a past Rotary club president celebrating his 70th birthday. “We hope jumping from an airplane will draw attention to the worldwide effort to finally and forever eradicate this terrible, crippling and sometimes even fatal disease AND raise money to support the final push across the finish line on a disease which has affected millions for thousands of years,” states Desmond. For more than seven decades, Rotary International and its 35,000+ clubs around the world - including five in Washington County and 47 in Utah - have been involved in this seemingly impossible fight to wipe out only the second disease in human history (after smallpox). So far in 2024, Rotary and its partners, including the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation UNICEF and others, have seen only 8 new cases of the wild polio virus with paralysis in the world, compared to more than 300,000+ such cases in 1985 when Rotary International announced their intent to take on this disease which primarily affects children, ages infant to 5 years. Thanks to the development of an effective polio vaccine in the 1950’s, the United States was officially declared polio-free in 1979; South America in 1994; and the entire African continent saw its last case in 2019. Today, only Afghanistan and Pakistan are endemic, but as the world learned from COVID, polio – left unchecked - will once again rear its ugly head. Donations to Rotary’s Polio Plus – matched 2 to 1 by the Gates Foundation – can be “venomed” to @StGeorgeUTRotary. If donors prefer, contributions can be mailed to St. George Rotary, P. O. Box 1423, St. George, UT 84771; dropped at the front desk of the Best Western Abbey Inn (where St. George Rotary meets each Monday at noon) in a sealed envelope marked “Rotary”; or at the Hurricane Airport, 800 W. 2300 South on the morning of the jump on June 22 because the fight against polio “isn’t over ‘til it’s over!” For more information, call or text to 435-669-8020.
Jun 24, 2024 11:56 AM
Welcome back those amazing and adventurous young men and women who represented their community, their school and St. George Rotary Club at Utah Rotary's Youth Leadership Awards/Academy at Wasatch Academy on June 12-15. You'll want to hear all about it from these RYLArians who represent Rotary's future generation. Come one, come all. |
![]() Join us in cool Pine Valley to kick off Rotary's new year!
Jul 01, 2024 6:00 PM
NO MEETING TODAY but tonight we'll be gathering for our annual "he's out ... he's in" event as we celebrate the successes of RY2023-24 under Bryan's leadership and look forward to more success with Dave Prisbrey at the helm. We will be inducting our club officers, "awarding" our members' interesting activities in RY2023-24, and "recognizing" some others. It's going to be lots of FUNNN and you won't want to miss it. SGR will provide the main course, but if your surname begins with A-H, please plan to bring a salad or a side dish (beans, chips, etc.). If you last name begins with I-R, please bring your favorite dessert to share and if your last name begins with S-Z, you are asked to bring drinks. Come one, come all. There will be food, friends and FUNNN ... guaranteed! |
![]() "Want to see my vacation pictures?"
Jul 08, 2024 11:58 AM
In late May, Bryan and his wife traveled halfway around the world to attend Rotary International's ???th Convention in Singapore. This three-day event included amazing speakers, breakouts sessions on a variety of important topics ... and thousands of enthusiastic Rotarians from around the world. If you have attended an RI Convention you know the experience of "discovering" Rotary on this grand scale ... if you haven't you are certain to learn from Bryan's enthusiastic report. Bring a neighbor, friend, co-worker or prospective "one" for this interesting report. You won't want to miss it. |
![]() Volunteers needed
Jul 13, 2024 12:17 AM
The Cedar City Rotary club - our generous partner in the Guatemala stoves project - needs SGR's help with their amazing annual car show which allows them to send us a check every year. On Saturday, July 13 from about 12:30 to 3:00-ish, a dozen to 20 volunteers are needed to direct vintage car owners to their designated parking spot for show. If you haven't been to this car show, you may not know they close down Cedar City's main street to make room for more than 300 cars and the thousands of vintage car enthusiasts who put this event on their calendar a year in advance. Bring the whole family. It's worth the trip to cool(er) Cedar City. But don't miss it .. and please sign up to help! |
![]() "Goals for RY2024-25 ... FUNNN? Really?"
Jul 15, 2024 11:58 AM
Any or all SGR's board members, including Clint Beecroft (PE), Bryan Thiriot (Foundation Chair), Dale Desmond (Foundation Vice Chair), Collin Davis (Treasurer), Linda Sappington (Secretary /PI Chair), Ray Absher (Membership), Reed Noble (Service), Barbara Sizemore (Club Administration), James Jackson (Spectial Projects), Joann Coleman (Youth Programs) will share their RY2024-25 goals. Lots of good information ... with time for Q&A so bring your ????'s!
Jul 22, 2024
Carol Winner was officially named St. George City Director of Community Development in March 2024 after serving as interim direcrtor and senior planner for parts of the past five years. Winner will be responsibile to help manage the "incredible growth" St. George City has experienced, especially in the past decade. She is known to have a steady hand, a wealth of experience, a common-sense approach and, according to city leaders she is also "thoughtful and easy to work with." Winner joins a busy department in a thriving community. In 2023, the city issued 2,419 permits with a total valuation of approximately $328.5 million. Through the first two complete months of 2024, the City issued another 563 permits for a total valuation of more than $120 million. She is a Certified Floodplain Manager, Certified Public Manager, a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and a graduate of Brigham Young University. This is certain to be an interesting program so please invite friends, neighbors and co-workers ... especially those who might have expressed an interest in "what's Rotary?"
![]() Regional Rotary Meeting
Jul 29, 2024 11:54 AM
This meeting will be a "first" in a very long time - if ever - when members of ALL Rotary clubs in Washington County (St. George Sunrise, Washington City, Hurricane Valley, and Veterans Rotary Clubs) will join with SGR at the Abbey Inn to discuss ways in which we can collaborate and maybe find SGR's elusive "signature project" needed to increase our local presence. Come one, come all. Bring your ideas, questions, as well as friends, neighbors, co-workers or others who may have experessed an interest in "what's Rotary?" |
![]() What's in the Future for the Happiest Place in St. George?
Aug 05, 2024 11:53 AM
The joyfully enthusiastic pitter patter of little feet is the sound of the St. George Children’s Museum, currently housed in the 113-year-old former Dixie Academy building (built in 1911). Located on the southeast corner of our community’s historic Town Square, the “happiest place in St. George” includes two floors of interactive displays which, in 2023, attracted 107,952 children – primarily toddlers to 12-year-olds – and their families.
Since the St. George Children’s Museum opened our doors in 2013, keeping the property and the displays attractive, interesting, and safe has been a priority in our budget … and we are fully committed to making sure every child, regardless of socio-economic status, race, creed and color, physical or mental limitations enjoys opportunities to “discover, imagine and create” while combining purposeful play with educational concepts. |
![]() Growing Rotary with the Power of We!
Aug 12, 2024 11:54 AM
RY2024-25 District Governor Todd Boyer will be SGR's guest speaker on Monday, August 12. He will share "The Power of We" in our efforts to grow Rotary, his goals for his DG year and other information of interest to longtime members, new members and potential members. Bring friends, neighbors and co-workers for this informative meeting. A board meeting with the DG is scheduled for 11 a.m. |
![]() More to Know About St. George City
Aug 19, 2024 11:58 AM
Marc Mortensen currently serves as Director of Operations for the City of St. George with oversight for technology, golf, facilities and fleet. He is also a board member of the Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance. Marc is an avid cyclist and runner and has competed in marathons, triathlons, Ironman and Ironman 70.3 events. When he’s not in a meeting or at his office at City Hall he can usually be found on a trail run or bike ride somewhere in southern Utah with friends or his family, including his wife Jill and their three children. Marc is a graduate of the University of Utah with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications and earned a master’s degree in Public Administration from Walden University. He has been a resident of St. George since 1998 when he moved from his Salt Lake City hometown to begin his career with the City of St. George as Public Information Officer. Bring a friend, neighbor or co-worker for, what is certainn to be an interesting and informative program. |
![]() So it's going to be a Mystery Meeting
Sep 16, 2024 11:54 AM
Our mystery meeting will be interesting - maybe or maybe not exciting - but will give us the chance to get in a little deeper into what's ahead of us for the upcoming 6 weeks or so ... If you haven't already signed up for something, here's your chance after you have heard all the details. We need "all hands on deck" to get through the month of October. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE .... |
Sep 30, 2024 7:53 AM
It is time again for this year's 11th Annual St. George Rotary Charity Golf Tournament. This competition will be held on Monday, September 30 at Sunbrook Golf Course, with registration opening at 8 AM and a shotgun start at 9 AM.
See Chairman Chris Parker for more information, including team registration and sponsorship forms. We are looking for main sponsors for $1000 which includes a hole sponsorship, entry fee for a team of four, your company’s name (or yours) on a banner displayed on tournament day and on our website. We also need a drink sponsor, gold ball sponsor or other; and up to 18 hole sponsors at a cost of $250 each recognizing your company or your family.
Early bird registration is open thru September 1 at a discounted cost for Rotarians of $475 per foursome. |
![]() HSWG's Welcome Bags Assemby
Oct 02, 2024 8:49 AM
The Huntsman World Senior Games starts officially on Monday, October 9 with thousands of senior athletes participating in one of more of 40 sporting events .... but the REAL first event is the assembly of more than 11,000 Welcome Bags. This is a simple project held in the Garden Room at the Dixie Convention Center which primarily involves enjoying rhe company of about 200 amazing volunteers from all over Washington County. And, it also involves walking, walking and walking around three very long tables filling each bag with "swag." Shifts on Wednesday, Ocober 2 are from 9 a.m. - noon and 1 - 4-ish p.m. with lunch at noon for volunteers on both shift. Please sign up at
![]() Music, dancing, and breakfast with friends on a spectacular St. George morning
Oct 05, 2024 4:17 PM
Saturday, October 5, 2024 will be a very busy "service above self" day. Beginning at 7 a.m. (earlier if you can get there) at milepost 18 (the Ledges offramp) Rotarians, their families and friends will enjoy breakfast prepared by Chef Dave and his crew ... all you can eat breakfast burritos and other good stuff while waiting for thousands of participants in the St. George Marathon. There will be good music, good food, good socializing ... and just plain FUNNN while we distribute water, Gatorade, fruit ... and the occasional bandaid. Questions? Rotarian Reed will have the answers. |
![]() SGR fundraiser of the year!
Oct 07, 2024 4:36 AM
For more than a year, local residents and visitors have watched the Black Desert Resort rise up out of ancient lava fields in southern Utah’s spectacular red rock desert. Located at the unique crossroad of the Colorado Plateau, Mojave Desert and the Great Basin ecosystems, those traveling to Tuacahn, Snow Canyon State Park or Rocky Vista University have eagerly anticipated the opportunity to see what’s behind the chain link fence when construction is completed. Here's your chance! Volunteers in large numbers are needed to welcome players, caddies, VIP’s and guests to the FedEx Cup PGA event on the 19-hole Tom Weiskopf signature championship golf course. This is a first of its kind event, but certainly not the last, introducing hundreds of visitors to the scenic beauty of Southern Utah. St. George Rotary Club as volunteer coordinator in partnership with the PGA, needs more than 300 volunteers, 18 and over, to help park cars on the 600-acre property in three 4-hour shifts during the week of October 7-13. In addition to being some of the first in the community to see this newly created luxury resort up close, there is the possibility Rotarians and other hard-working volunteers might also be the first to welcome some world-famous visitors to Southern Utah. For more information or to schedule a shift or two, contact St. George Rotary Club at or text / phone to 435-669-8020. |
Recreation, Arts and Parks (RAP) Tax for this year's election
Oct 14, 2024 11:52 AM
The Recreation Arts and Parks tax is a countywide tax that was put on the ballot in 2014 and is coming up for renewal on the ballot in November. The RAP tax applies to park and recreation-related projects, as well as arts programs and nonprofit groups. It is set up as a sales tax of one-tenth of 1% of non-food purchases – one penny for every $10. Monies generated from the tax go to the county and participating municipalities based on population and point-of-sale. Bring a neighbor, friend or co-worker for this presentation before the election! |
![]() Meet, greet and ask questions
Oct 14, 2024 6:34 PM
It's election time again - no surprise there - so this is our opportunity to "say Rotary" to those in our community while they enjoy a cookie and the opportunity to meet, greet and ask questions of those running for local offices. Please tell your neighbors, friends and co-workers. See you at the Best Western Abbey Inn. |
Important news, hospital awards, initiatives and projects at our local hospital
Oct 21, 2024 11:51 AM
![]() Volunteers needed
Oct 26, 2024 4:03 PM
![]() What if you couldn't read?
Oct 28, 2024 11:58 AM
What if you couldn't read? How would you fill out a job application? Apply for a driver license? Understand your doctor's directions for your health care? Help your children with their homework? In the 2022–2023 school year, 56% of first graders, 67% of second graders, and 66% of third graders met reading benchmarks at the beginning of the year. By the end of the year, 62% of first graders and 71% of third graders met the benchmarks, while second graders remained at 67%. However, according to the Utah State Board of Education, less than half of students in grades 1–3 were reading at their expected grade level. On Monday, October 28, our speaker will be Kathy Hall, Elementary Literacy Coordinator Specialist for the Washington County School District. Bring a neighbor, friend, co-worker or another interested individual for this important program. |
![]() Scouting is alive and well in Southern Utah ... come hear what Troops 42 and 407 are doing
Nov 04, 2024 11:58 AM
Scout Troop 42 is very healthy with roughly 55 registered scouts, of which 40 are active. Of those 40 active members, 17 are from the girls’ troop and to date in 2024, seven of the 40 have attained the rank of Eagle. This year’s summer camp was a return to Emerald Bay on Catalina Island where scuba diving was the highlight. According to Scout Master Matt McIff, “our was the sharpest looking troop at camp and we were often called upon to help because camp staff knew they could rely on us.” Seems like Troop 42 and 407 embody “service above self” and represent Rotary very well. Bring your neighbors, friends and co-workers to hear this wonderful presentation on Monday, November 4 because scouting is alive and well here in Southern Utah. |
![]() 108th Giving Machine to be placed at the Red Cliffs Mall
Nov 11, 2024 11:59 AM
The Giving Machine, the popular “vending machine” which works in reverse by giving users an opportunity to donate a variety of much-needed items for local and global charities, will be opening to the public on November 18 at The Red Cliffs Mall where they will remain through November 30, 2024. Local nonprofit beneficiaries this year include:
Giving Machines, sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, provide an instant act of service for people looking to help those in their community and around the world. Visitors can make donations by purchasing items ranging in price from $4 to $100 and include staples such as clothing and hygiene items, meals and school supplies to livestock and life-saving medicine. The purpose of the Giving Machines is to allow an opportunity for all community members to have a chance to give and find the joy this season which comes through serving others in the community and the world. |
![]() More about St. George City
Nov 18, 2024 11:56 AM
Before John Willis was appointed St. George City Manager in January 2023 he served as Community Development Director from August 2018 and was the City's Planning and Zoning Manager for four years prior to that. All told, John has more than 17 years of experience in land use, planning, and zoning. In addition to the City of St. George, where John has worked for 10 years (over two stints), he served as the Senior Land Use and Environmental Planner for the City of Mesquite, Nevada, and the Planning Coordinator for Draper City. |
"What my Tennessee club did/does to make a difference in the world"
Dec 02, 2024 11:53 AM
A Rotarian's Message for Christmas
Dec 09, 2024 11:53 AM
Be thinking about your Christmas memories. What was your favorite (of all time) Christmas gift? The most interesting / strangest thing to occur to you or your family on December 25? The most miraculous? We are pleased to welcome Salt Lake Rotarian Charles Dahlquist as our speaker on Monday, December 9 ... after we lost our speaker for today and no matter how hard we tried, no one could be found to share some thoughts at SGR's podium ... until Charles said "yes" without hesitation. Truly a Christmas miracle!!! See you at the Abbey Inn! |