According to Dan Strobell, SGR and friends are going back to the "stunningly beautiful and stunningly poor" Guatemala to build more cinderblock stoves in Mayan villages.
Here are some things you'll want to know as you prepare to go:
* travel dates are May 27 - June 4 out of McCarren in Las Vegas
* estimated cost per person is $1800-2000, including airfare, hotel accommodations and transportation to and from the village of El Jordan
* up to 30-35 participants are invited
* there will also be a pop-up medical clinic and if dental professionals can be found, a pop-up dental clinic
* if you are unable to travel with us, please donate for the purchase of beans, rice and vitamins
* 3000+ stoves have been built to date
* current cost of one cinderblock stove is $170
* after three days of humanitarian service, we will spend Thursday - Saturday as tourists before heading home
* 2023 will be SGR's 15th trip to Guatemala
Evelyn Nash, a St. George resident and native daughter of Guatemala expressed her gratitude on Facebook, "Thank you so much for doing this in my country. You don't know the huge impact this project has had for my people."